‘Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity’ is a video game developed for the Nintendo Switch that is part of the ‘The Legend of Zelda’ franchise. Set in the polytheistic society of Hyrule, players aim to unravel mysteries surrounding Hyrule’s history – each game in the series uncovers a different segment.
Age of Calamity is a game that brings together the charming qualities of Breath of the Wild into the fast-paced combat of Hyrule Warriors.
The game allows players to experience the events of the Great Calamity, which took place 100 years before the events of Breath of the Wild. Giving players the opportunity to see the ravaged state of Hyrule in Breath of the Wild return to its former glory will definitely bring nostalgia for those who have played the previous game.
The gameplay in this Age of Calamity was no doubt very different from the first game. This game is much more fast-paced compared to the laid-back and self-paced open-world original. It felt like a love letter to its predecessor. With many callbacks to Breath of the Wild, little moments in the first game are expanded in cutscenes, fleshing out character relationships to give a real sense of worldbuilding.
In terms of gameplay, you can play as many of the beloved characters from the original game – Link, Zelda, Impa and the Champions from the different regions – as you defend Hyrule in the battles leading up to the awakening of Great Calamity Ganon. While you traverse the wide and expansive world of Hyrule, you hack-and-slash monsters by chaining together flashy combos, as well as monitor outposts to ensure that defence doesn’t falter. Each character is further developed by their unique playstyle, some being quick and nimble and others being tanky, frontline characters. The game frequently puts fun twists on missions, providing fresh excitement for each task you do. To me, it didn’t feel repetitive at all, especially when you are “rewarded” with an engaging cutscene every time you finish the main mission.
Overall, I thought Age of Calamity was an enjoyable game. It conveys a heartwarming tale where you indulge in the fantastical world of Hyrule. Bringing back many great memories of when I first played Breath of the Wild, I would recommend this game to anyone who is passionate about the Zelda franchise.
Written by Tammi Ip
Impa’s way too OP. Love the frog move though…