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Student Council Committees 24-25

Culture Committee

Island School’s student body comprises individuals from across the globe. This team aims to enrich Island School’s own Culture by celebrating and bringing awareness to others.

Committee Heads and Deputies

  • organise cultural events and decorations for Diwali Night and other cultural celebrations like Chinese New Year, Christmas and Easter.
  • work collaboratively with the PTA to support cultural events in school;
  • collaborate with tutor group/ house Culture Committee representatives;
  • support the organisation of the Winter Fair and other related activities.
Multicultural Team

Coming soon…

Social Action Committee

“It isn’t what we say or think that defines us but what we do”. This team aims to raise awareness of community needs, primarily in Hong Kong, collaborating in a collective endeavour to embrace responsibility for our home. 

Committee Heads and Deputies will:

  • Coordinate and support leaders of different outreach initiatives
    • Represent these leaders (and their missions) within the student leadership council
  • Ensure that all student initiatives (particularly involving fundraising) are in line with the Island School Guidelines for Charitable Work
  • Host events (including collaborations with external NGOs) such as:
    • Food Donation Drive (Feeding HK x IS)
    • Annual Whole School Walkathon (N&K Bursaries)
    • Pride Week
Connected Communities Team

This team aims to support those coming from different communities. The core values that will guide the team’s decisions include: authenticity, kindness, respect, and responsibility. 


  • Help run Mother’s Choice Carnival (Nov 2nd, Sat)
    • Create stalls 
  • Invite Island School alumni to form teams and do a school quiz
  • Host a Christmas party with the Sha Tin Wai community
    • Create stalls
Girls Rising

As Island School’s feminist team, Girls Rising advocates for gender equality and women’s rights.


  • Planning and running activities for Women’s Week held annually – the week of International Women’s Day (8th of March)
    • Including fundraising activities, and annual women’s talk
  • Continue to oversee the ongoing LÜUNA project, which stocks renewable menstrual products in the girls bathrooms
  • Heads will lead weekly meetings with the Girls Rising Team and meet with Ms Coull for other initiatives and discussion

Student Advisors Committee

Students have a critical role in directing and personalising their learning outcomes. This team aspires to ensure that curricular and co-curricular learning is authentic, relevant and engaging.

Initiatives + Activities

  • Support the options process.
  • Run help/advisory/mentoring sessions for students (e.g. presentations about making effective study notes, and dealing with stress);
  • Give feedback regarding the school curriculum (e.g. Elements and Explorations) to improve status quo;
  • Aid the development of the Student Portfolio system and utility of the 6C competency framework both within and beyond the classroom;
  • Continuously collect feedback from students to improve both current and new systems to-be implemented at school, acting as a liaison to connect different initiatives
Wellbeing Team

To promote and uphold the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of students in Island School.


  • Social lunch sessions to help students with subjects with help from volunteers
  • Introduce voluntary mentor programmes to newcomers in Island School
  • Host e-sports events to let students relax and build team spirit
  • Organise after-school de-stressing activities such as movie nights 

Media Committee

Island School is a vibrant, dynamic community. It is important that what happens, what students do, is publicised and celebrated within and beyond the school, amplifying the student voice.

Committee Heads and Deputies will:

  • positively and proactively publicise the life and achievements of Island School students across the school and Hong Kong community;
  • take charge of Island Currents that provides a platform for students to showcase their interests;
  • support other committees and the school with any media-related tasks;
  • provide opportunities for members to explore different media mediums
Islands’ Insider

We aim to help students through their academic journey by sharing insightful study tips and furthering their knowledge on school subjects and more. 


  • Instagram reels – Interviews with students presenting advice to peers: academics, extracurriculars and social life
  • Island’s Insider website – coming soon!
  • ‘A Tip a Week’ Newsletter with advice from succeeding students 
  • Islands’ Insider podcast on managing school life + advice for different subjects

Arts Committee

The creative arts are an essential part of Island School. This team will connect all students to arts events and opportunities in order to develop and celebrate our creative community.

Committee Heads and Deputies will:

  • Support the Arts curriculum and events, this includes music, dance, drama, film and art installations and events.  (e.g. Stars in their Eyes; drama productions, film or art exhibitions, inter-house events to increase student engagement) 
  • Support the overall success of school fairs, ensuring that the Arts have a strong profile (eg. Winter  
  • lead tutor group and House Art Committee representatives in promoting, organising, and managing student-led Arts events;
  • be an advocate and ambassador for the Arts through all aspects of school life;
  • liaise with the Arts Director, the Faculty of Arts Leadership team and Arts teachers.

Sports Committee

Sports should be inclusive, fun and enhance wellbeing.  This team will provide a vehicle for promotion, mentorship and celebration of sport.  

Committee Heads and Deputies will:

  • Lead sports across the school;
  • Promote and train other leaders including mentoring house and form Sport Committee representatives;
  • Lead the team, ensuring that all are working toward the promotion of sport across the school;
  • Communicate effectively with House and form Sports reps to support the development of sport and student engagement with sport;
  • Coordinate and promote sports events including inter-house events, sports awards etc.

WANBO Committee

The WANBO committee is a team dedicated to leading sustainability-focused initiatives in and out of school, and ensuring our institution stays as eco-friendly as possible!

Committee Heads and Deputies:

  • Maintain communications with The Alliance of Sustainable Schools (TASS)
  • Facilitate and lead WANBO members and form representatives
  • Compost leftover food waste from the dining hall and APC kitchen daily
  • Spearhead and lead Green Week, Biodiversity week, and Redress week as well as initiatives planned within;
  • Manage and facilitate environmental promotions around school
Global Goals Council

The Global Goals Council organizes events and activities related to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by collaborating with organizations and schools overseas — ‘housh housh’!!


  • Huni Kuin Tribal Leaders Assembly
  • Lawrence S. Ting School (in Vietnam) x Island School Sustainable Interhouse Outfit Competition
  • Terrarium Workshop 
  • Global Goals Journal (Lawrence S. Ting School x Island School) for students to publish self-written articles related to the SDGs
Precious Plastics Team

Dedicated to empower students to tackle plastic waste through innovation and education.


  • Collect and sort through single-use plastic bottles/waste in school
  • Recycle plastics into usable products
  • Teach students of the plastics recycling process
  • Work with WANBO and introduce programmes to reduce plastic waste in school
  • Integrate plastic recycling into current D&T and Elements courses

English Committee

The English Committee oversees all English-related projects and initiatives within island school. This team supports curriculum development and strives to promote English learning within the school community.


  • Conducts the annual English Curriculum Survey to incorporate student voice into curriculum 
  • Reading Ambassadors and Monthly Recommended Reads, Annual book Week Celebration, Battle of the Books (for younger years) to foster reading habits amongst the student body 
  • Inter-school Books Unwrapped reading group contributor
  • Creative Writing club 
  • Volunteer groups Community English and Carnegie Medal group
  • English Learning website to provide students with revision resources for English examinations 
  • English Aesthetics and Classroom Displays 

Humanities Committee

The Humanities Committee aims to promote interdisciplinary learning and critical thinking through the expansion (in quantity + quality) of Humanities subject related activities and opportunities. This allows for the development and exploration of Individual & Societies subjects outside of the classroom. 


  • Societies (Business & Econ, etc) 
  • Cross Year Humanities Mentorship Program (especially for IGCSE & IB Students)
  • Update Humanities/InSoc Website with course details, exam resources, revision guides etc
  • IS Humanities Instagram Account
  • Interhouse and Interyear challenges and competitions
  • Humanities Days for Y7-8
  • Y7-8 Humanities Classroom Support or Y12/13s during free periods (counts as CAS)
  • Humanities Blog 
  • Humanities Talks (professionals & experts in various humanities-related fields e.g. lawyers, business directors etc)

STEM Committee

Our committee supports students to catalyse their curiosity and their interest in STEM, expanding our reach in the process. The goal? Make STEM more accessible to everyone in the school community through hands-on activities, learning experiences, and formal events.


  • Cross-Year STEM Mentorship Program.
  • Science Investigation Research Journal (coming up).
  • Inter-School Maths and Science Competition (coming up).
  • STEM Days (previously STEM Week).
  • Interhouse Hackathon.
  • VEX Robotics Competition.

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